The CryptoCulture Awards

Honouring Web3's Unsung Heroes

The Awards

Outstanding Web3 Culture & Communication Award
Outstanding Decentralised Talent Attraction Award
Outstanding Web3 L&D Award
G.O.A.T Award Greatest Of All Time
Outstanding Community Trailblazer Award
Outstanding EDI & Wellbeing in Web3

What are the CryptoCulture Awards

Web3 isn't just a realm of untapped tech potential; it's a universe yet to be fully humanised. From blockchain pioneers to community management magicians, it's time to celebrate the complete package: tech innovation and people power.

Decentralisation isn't just a buzzword; it's the way of the future. It's changing how we work, innovate, and even think. Teamed is all about that lifeβ€”celebrating companies who are harnessing the raw energy of the technolgy and people of web3
How it Works
These awards recognise the people that make Web3 businesses work! Teams, employees, founders, coworkers, customers -- anyone can nominate a team or individual to win one of CryptoCulture Awards. You can even nominate yourself! Then, our esteemed panel of judges select the winners

The Awards

Outstanding Web3 Culture & Communication Award

Recognising an individual or team that has demonstrated exceptional leadership, communication and innovation whatever the situation. We’re looking for communication strategies that have supported employees to adapt and overcome remote working challenges, and how they have incorporated this into their company culture.‍
Judging Criteria
β†’ How do you communicate remotely to keep employees engaged and connected?
‍→ How have you reinforced your company values?Have you used web3 technology to improve communication‍
β†’ What and how are you measuring to determine the effectiveness of your culture?
‍→ How has your culture supported employee wellbeing & mental health

GOAT Award - Greatest Of All Time

Sponsored by Goats Go Surfing, this award is dedicated to the unsung hero in the web3 ecosystemβ€”a legendary presence who consistently goes above and beyond, yet defies categorisation.
Judging Criteria:
β†’ Consistent excellence across multiple roles or responsibilities
β†’ Significant positive impact on organisational and community well-being
β†’ Peer and leadership recognition for going above and beyond
β†’ Demonstrable commitment to innovation and problem-solving
The GOAT Award is for the person everyone knows makes things happen but might not always get the spotlight. Their time to shine is now.

Outstanding Decentralised Talent Attraction Award

Celebrating employers, recruiters and platforms that have been creative in leveraging traditional or blockchain-based recruitment solutions to attract top web3 talent from diverse and global talent pools.
Judging Criteria:
β†’ How does your business' approach to people growth reflect your business' aspirations as a brand?
β†’ How are you reaching/attracting undiscovered global talent?
β†’ How have you mastered technology to promote diversity and inclusion?

Outstanding Community Trailblazer Award

Acknowledging the central part that community managers playing in keeping the operations of a web3 business going. From managing contributors to onboarding new community members to ensuring the culture of the company is always communicated.
Judging Criteria:
β†’ Innovative implementation of processes from community member, to contributor.
β†’ Positive impact on organisations efficiency
β†’ Positive impact on community members experience
β†’ Empowerment of community members

Outstanding Web3 Learning and Development Award

Celebrating visionaries who are transforming learning and development in web3 organisations and DAOs, through pioneering metaverse training, earn-to-learn onboarding, and commitment to continuous education across all levels.

Judging Criteria:
β†’ Innovative use of the metaverse in training and development
β†’ Effective implementation of earn-to-learn initiatives for employee and community onboarding
β†’ Dedication to educating every tier of the organisation and community
β†’ Measurable impact on employee and community engagement and skills acquisition
This award is for those who aren't just using web3 tools but are reshaping the very concept of learning and development in this decentralised world.

Outstanding EDI & Wellbeing in Web3 Award

Celebrating companies or teams that have successfully incorporated Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), along with wellbeing measures, using web3 technologies.
Judging Criteria:
β†’ How have you embedded Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion into your workplace ethos and policies?
β†’ Have you leveraged web3 technology to improve or measure EDI and wellbeing?
β†’ What initiatives have been put in place to support employee wellbeing?
β†’ How are you measuring the impact of your EDI and wellbeing initiatives in a globally distributed team?


We are working with leaders across the web3 sector to be our expert and non-biased judging panel, in addition a number of our judges have agreed to join us for our panel discussions and keynotes.


9th November 2023
Web3 Culture: The Competitive Edge & CryptoCulture Awards

9th November 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
What Does It Take to Build a Thriving Web3 Team?

Building and leading a successful Web3 team is an art and a science, especially when it comes to decentralised, remote, or hybrid cultures. Did you know that teams with high engagement are 21% more productive?
While there's a sea of advice on remote work, guidance on actual leadership is hard to come by. That's why this week's awards event is a must-attend! We've assembled a panel of Web3 leaders and nominees to share their proven strategies for building thriving teams.
Don't miss this chance to learn from the best in the business. Join us for an eye-opening panel discussion that could be a game-changer for your Web3 venture

16th November 2023
Unlocking Web3 Talent: Where Strategy Meets Humanity & Trailblazer Awards

16th November 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
How to Attract the Right Talent to Your Web3 Business?
Finding the right talent is a perennial challenge, even more so in the burgeoning web3 sector.
Did you know that strategic hiring can improve the quality of your recruits by up to 70%?

In this week's event, we'll dive into the nitty-gritty of talent acquisition for web3. We'll explore traditional hiring methods and discuss the emerging trend of leveraging your community as a unique source of applicants.

Join us for an invaluable discussion that could redefine how you think about recruitment in the web3 era.

Outstanding D23rd November 2023
Closing Web3’s Talent Gap: An Inclusivity & Wellbeing Blueprint & Awardsecentralised Talent Attraction Award

23rd November 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
How Inclusivity & Wellbeing Can Close the Web3 Talent Gap
The web3 space is booming but faces a chronic talent shortage. Did you know the U.S. alone could see a shortfall of over 1.1 million computing-related workers by 2024?

Once you've found the right talent, the challenge doesn't end there. How do you take care of your team's wellbeing, especially when they are spread across multiple time zones? Join us for an engaging discussion on these pressing issues.